Important Application Dates, 截止日期和清单

Make sure you know the important deadlines for applying to St. 爱德华的.

Early Application Deadline: Dec. 1

Freshman applicants, 在此日期前申请 and we'll waive the $50 application fee.

Early Application Deadline II: Jan. 1

Freshman applicants, 在此日期前申请 and we'll waive the $50 application fee.

Priority Application Deadline: Feb. 1

To have the highest chance of being awarded an academic scholarship, or if you are applying for the International Moreau Scholarship, 在此日期前申请.

Final Application Deadline: May 1

We strongly encourage students to apply well before this date.

Enrollment 存款 Deadline for 新生: June 15*

Final Application Deadline for Transfer Student 入学: July 1

Spring Semester Application Deadline: Nov. 15

应用 by this date to enroll in spring for your first semester.

*Or two weeks after notification of admission if after June 15.


Your complete application will include:

  • 在线申请
  • $50 application fee (waived if you apply by the early or priority deadline) 
  • 高中成绩单*
  • SAT或ACT成绩(St. 爱德华的 SAT code is 6619 and the ACT code is 4156) - Please note our 新的测试可选策略.
  • 托福,雅思或其他 多邻国英语测试**
  • 文章
  • Academic recommendation form

*College transcripts are optional for dual credit work.

**Required if English is not your first language. 联系 the Office of 入学 有问题吗?.